Monday, August 22, 2011

Off Kilter

There is a mirror hanging in our house that is off kilter and not centered. I was in a hurry to get it off the floor and I only had one hook so it's been hanging like that for awhile. I'd like to think it's because I'm artsy and creative. But in all honesty on my flip side I am very organized and everything has a place. In my space, I make a plan, label everything and give it a home. When I use a tool, I put it back. There are times when I am working on a project that a cutting tool may sit out for a couple of days, but it aiways goes back, to its perfect planned space.

I have found that life gets busy at times and it is not picture perfect, no matter how hard you try. There are advents in life that just happen. These chapters in life are ones that you don't write a plan for, that can set your life off center and make it questionable. There are no set answers on how to fix it. I have come to believe there are times one has to slide sideways in life to make it through the narrow opening and life is never the same again. Once I've made it through the opening, I secretly hope, keep my fingers crossed and pray I will never have to go there again.

This last weekend I had some time to straighten the mirror and I decided just to let it hang askew. To remind me life isn't always the same. I took a few pictures to show you, to make us laugh. But as I looked at the pictures I found one had been taken upside down. I'm not quite sure how it happened. It wasn't planned, but isn't that how life happens at time, just a little off kilter.

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